Finding a part time job as an international student in Europe can prove difficult in the very beginning, as students who speak basic local language are mostly preferred. However, it is always worth giving it a shot. As a newcomer, not knowing the native language does not mean you should not even give it a try. Moreover, you must always have enthusiasm to learn and explore to secure a job!
Here are some tips and ways to find part-time jobs or internships as an international student.
Ads And University Notice Boards:
Always keep an eye on university job boards, as they are one of the major sources of various ads and new job openings posted by companies willing to hire international students. It is quite easy to stay updated on the notice boards, as you would spend most of your time at the university. Along with notice boards, local newspapers might post ads that are up to date.
Online Job Portals:
This method for finding a job works in any country you go to. All you need to do is register yourself with various online job portals like CareerBuilder, Linkedin, NetJobs, etc. You automatically get updates on job openings and requirements from various companies in the city. This is one of the best and most effective ways to find a part-time job for an international student.
University Career Center:
University Career Centers are on campus centers that open vacancies for on campus jobs. Jobs offered by the University Career Center are unique and will enhance your future career. These jobs offer experiences that a student wouldn’t get at any other off-campus job. Take a tight hold of these kinds of jobs if you get one!
Job Search Agencies:
You will find numerous job search agencies in the city. These agencies help international students who are fluent in English and can communicate with people while in service. If you keep looking for job opportunities with the help of these agencies, you will surely secure a part-time job of your choice.